Thursday, February 25, 2010

Bread Making Adventures

For most of you that know me, know about my mom's bread. People have been known to call it "The Best Bread Ever". She has the entire process down to an art. It's not uncommon for her to make 12 loaves at a time. She's super hardcore.

I'm pretty sure she never thought she'd see the day that I would make it all by myself, but when I was home over Thanksgiving, I decided it was time for me to give it try. This is from the very first batch that I made. I'm just not sure if it compares to hers or not, but it was pretty good. Unfortunately, I have not mastered the 12 loaves at a time yet. I'm just cranking out 3 at a time.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Home Sweet Home

This is for those who want to see the house I grew up in, and my mom's hosta collection. Since my brother and I are away, the hostas are her new babies. Thanks to Lori, for giving her some new babies!

Friday, May 29, 2009

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Costa Rica

Costa Rica has been one of my favorite vacations. My best friend, Christie, left the states in March bound for Tanzania to do development work. She is one of my traveling buddies, so we decided that her leaving would be a great excuse for us to take one last trip before she left. She found great tickets to Costa Rica, so that's where we went. We had an amazing time! Costa Rica is a smaller country, which make it very easy to get around. I think we would all highly recommend it for anyone.

Why are there no posts?

There have not been any posts because I want to be able to put picture up in a chronological manner in regards to my two recent trips, Costa Rica and India. Well, I still have not gotten a copy of Becky or Cheryl's pictures from Costa Rica.

Clearly, I am really new to the blogging world, so be gentle.